Avid gamers can have “gamer personalities” that lead them to like certain types of games.
There are lots of types of gamer personalities. The ones that I came across are the completionists, destroyers, creators, thinkers, explorers, and challengers.
Completionists are people who play the game to finish the game. Their main goal is to do whatever they have to do within the game (missions, accomplishments, points etc.) so that they can say that they have reached the end of it.
The Destroyer personality is exactly what it sounds like, this person likes to kill in their games and is most often into games that deal with a lot of weaponry.
The Creator personality belongs to someone who has a lot of creativity and originality. Gamers that have the Creator personality love to play games where they get to build up new cities and characters.
This is because the main reason Thinkers enjoy gaming is to get out of the difficult situations that may arise within certain games. These gamers enjoy playing games that have complex situations.
Explorers encompass the type of gamer that loves the visuals. This gamer is all about unlocking new gadgets and gizmos within the game just to see everything that the video game developers have to offer in regards to environments, visuals, and overall detail.
A gamer that has a Challenger personality is someone who is all about the final score and becoming the best at a particular game. Challengers like games with specific skills and they will complete a level over and over again just to get a higher score!
These personalities are not the end all be all of all gamers and not every gamer will necessarily have a “gamer personality”. These personality traits are picked up through avid gaming and are usually only seen when people play games for extended amount of time. This time does not have to be hours at a time, it can also be considered in years of gaming.
Some “Gamer Personalities” may be the reason noise complaints are often filed against gamers.
There have been some news articles that cover gamers and how they play their game and whether or not it is disruptive to other people that live around them.
The personalities that I think can get the most annoying are the Challengers, Completionists, and Destroyers. There have been several news articles about neighbors of gamers having to call the police because of how loud their neighbor is.
Gamers tend to get angry and vocal when they are playing a game and it is not going the way they would like it to. And after reading what each gamer personality is like, I think that Challengers, Completionists, and Destroyers are the culprits.
Since Challengers enjoy beating their old score and becoming the best of the best, it makes sense that they would continue to play games until early in the morning. If they do not successfully beat their previous score after a few tries, I also think that that would ignite a yelling battle between the gamer and the game.
The same goes for Completionists. Their main goal within a game is to ultimately reach its end and say that you completed it in a timely fashion or before anyone else. The pressure is on to finish the game as quickly as possible and I can also see this personality working into the early morning on a level and becoming easily frustrated.
Destroyers are a little bit different than the other two personalities being that in most games they aren’t really waiting to beat it. Destroyers are looking to get new weapons. I know that with my knowledge of the few shooting games that I play, once I get a new weapon I usually continue playing to actually use the new weapon in the next round or level of the game.
These are the personalities that I personally think would be responsible, but truthfully, it could be any gamer. If someone is avid about something that they believe in or that they are doing it makes sense to get at least a little riled up.
Thinker personality is on a steady decline.
As a society we are seeing less and less of the Thinker personality. I think that this is mainly due to the fact that back in the day there were only puzzle games to play, so being a Thinker was the only option. With all of the new video games that are out now there are way more options for someone to play another kind of game.
I am not sure if this is exactly good or bad for society. On one hand, I can see that it may be considered a bad thing. But, I also know that there are other forms of games other than puzzle games that involve strategy. So it is hard to say if the decline in Thinker personality will have a good or bad reflection on our society.
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